
Displaying 2476 - 2500 of 2516
Cat. # Family Name Collector/field Coordinates? Media IRN
FMNHINS 0000 831 952 Streblidae Trichobius parasiticus Gervais, 1844 R. H. Pine Chiriquí Yes 831952
FMNHINS 0000 831 953 Streblidae Trichobius yunkeri Wenzel, 1966 D. Lamm No 831953
FMNHINS 0000 831 961 Streblidae Trichobius yunkeri Wenzel, 1966 R. H. Pine Bocas del Toro Yes 831961
FMNHINS 0000 831 962 Streblidae Trichobius yunkeri Wenzel, 1966 R. H. Pine Bocas del Toro Yes 831962
FMNHINS 0000 831 977 Streblidae Trichobius yunkeri Wenzel, 1966 R. H. Pine Bocas del Toro Yes 831977
FMNHINS 0000 831 978 Streblidae Trichobius yunkeri Wenzel, 1966 R. H. Pine Bocas del Toro Yes 831978
FMNHINS 0000 831 979 Streblidae Trichobius sparsus Kessel, 1925 R. H. Pine Bocas del Toro Yes 831979
FMNHINS 0000 831 980 Streblidae Trichobius sparsus Kessel, 1925 R. H. Pine Bocas del Toro Yes 831980
FMNHINS 0000 831 981 Streblidae Trichobius sparsus Kessel, 1925 R. H. Pine Bocas del Toro Yes 831981
FMNHINS 0000 831 982 Streblidae Trichobius sparsus Kessel, 1925 R. H. Pine Bocas del Toro Yes 831982
FMNHINS 0000 831 983 Streblidae Trichobius vampyropis Wenzel, 1966 R. H. Pine Chiriquí Yes 831983
FMNHINS 0000 832 009 Streblidae Trichobius joblingi Wenzel, 1966 A. E. Emerson Canal Zone Yes 832009
FMNHINS 0000 832 022 Streblidae Trichobius parasiticus Gervais, 1844 H. Trapido Yes 832022
FMNHINS 0000 832 025 Streblidae Trichobius joblingi Wenzel, 1966 V. J. Tipton, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution San Blas Yes 832025
FMNHINS 0000 832 026 Streblidae Trichobius longipes (Rudow, 1871) V. J. Tipton, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution Canal Zone Yes 832026
FMNHINS 0000 832 027 Streblidae Trichobius joblingi Wenzel, 1966 V. J. Tipton, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution No 832027
FMNHINS 0000 832 028 Streblidae Trichobius joblingi Wenzel, 1966 V. J. Tipton, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution Colon Yes 832028
FMNHINS 0000 832 029 Streblidae Trichobius longipes (Rudow, 1871) V. J. Tipton, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution Colon Yes 832029
FMNHINS 0000 832 030 Streblidae Trichobius urodermae Wenzel, 1966 V. J. Tipton, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution San Blas Yes 832030
FMNHINS 0000 832 045 Streblidae Trichobius joblingi Wenzel, 1966 V. J. Tipton, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution Colon Yes 832045
FMNHINS 0000 832 060 Streblidae Trichobius costalimai Guimarães, 1938 V. J. Tipton, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution San Blas Yes 832060
FMNHINS 0000 832 063 Streblidae Trichobius costalimai Guimarães, 1938 V. J. Tipton, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution San Blas Yes 832063
FMNHINS 0000 832 083 Streblidae Trichobius joblingi Wenzel, 1966 K. E. Fnick Yes 832083
FMNHINS 0000 832 084 Streblidae Trichobius sparsus Kessel, 1925 R. J. Izor Bocas del Toro Yes 832084
FMNHINS 0000 832 110 Streblidae Trichobius joblingi Wenzel, 1966 A. E. Emerson Canal Zone Yes 832110
