
Displaying 35376 - 35400 of 36945
Catalog #: 523054
Family: Turdidae
Country: United States of America
Collector/field: V. Katz
Coordinates?: No
Catalog #: 454897
Family: Turnicidae
Country: Philippines
Collector/field: L. R. Heaney
Coordinates?: Yes
Catalog #: 133476
Family: Turritellidae
Collector/field: L. A. Burry
Coordinates?: No
Catalog #: 133547
Family: Turritellidae
Coordinates?: No
Catalog #: 164136
Family: Turritellidae
Collector/field: Smith
Coordinates?: Yes
Catalog #: 170471
Family: Turritellidae
Country: United States of America
Collector/field: A. L. Goodwin
Coordinates?: Yes
Catalog #: 190416
Family: Turritellidae
Collector/field: T. Dranga
Coordinates?: Yes
Catalog #: 190418
Family: Turritellidae
Collector/field: F. Lyman
Coordinates?: No
Catalog #: 190419
Family: Turritellidae
Collector/field: L. K. Stam
Coordinates?: No
Catalog #: 190420
Family: Turritellidae
Collector/field: L. K. Stam
Coordinates?: No
Catalog #: 208522
Family: Turritellidae
Country: United States of America
Collector/field: A. M. Davidson
Coordinates?: Yes
Catalog #: 223951
Family: Turritellidae
Country: United States of America
Collector/field: J. D. Slapcinsky
Coordinates?: Yes
Catalog #: 309659
Family: Turritellidae
Coordinates?: Yes
Catalog #: 396679
Family: Turritellidae
Country: United States of America
Coordinates?: Yes
Catalog #: 396485
Family: Cymatiidae
Coordinates?: No
Catalog #: 51744
Family: Delphinidae
Country: Ecuador
Collector/field: L. Mandel
Coordinates?: Yes
Catalog #: FMNHINS 0004 228 992
Family: Staphylinidae
Collector/field: L. R. Hubricht
Coordinates?: No
Catalog #: FMNHINS 0003 976 482
Family: Staphylinidae
Country: United States of America
Collector/field: L. Eisenach
Coordinates?: Yes
Catalog #: FMNHINS 0004 087 742
Family: Staphylinidae
Country: United States of America
Collector/field: T. J. Daggy
Coordinates?: No
Catalog #: 53449
Family: Chilodontidae
Country: Guyana
Collector/field: C. H. Eigenmann
Coordinates?: Yes
Catalog #: 55355
Family: Cichlidae
Country: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Collector/field: H. Lang, J. P. Chapin
Coordinates?: Yes
Catalog #: 118446
Family: Belonidae
Country: Palau
Collector/field: Palau fish team
Coordinates?: Yes
Catalog #: 118447
Family: Belonidae
Country: Palau
Collector/field: J. R. Grubich
Coordinates?: Yes
Catalog #: 120566
Family: Belonidae
Country: Papua New Guinea
Collector/field: M. W. Westneat, J. A. Drew, C. L. McCord, J. Mandecki
Coordinates?: Yes
Catalog #: 5471
Family: Belonidae
Country: Bermuda
Collector/field: T. H. Bean
Coordinates?: No
