
Displaying 2151 - 2175 of 8561
Catalog #: 99441
Family: Pimelodidae
Country: Venezuela
Collector/field: J. N. Baskin, F. Mago-Leccia, J. G. Lundberg, et al.
Coordinates?: Yes
Catalog #: 51434
Family: Labrisomidae
Country: Mexico
Collector/field: C. L. Hubbs, M. N. Johnson, A. Allanson
Coordinates?: No
Catalog #: 120274
Family: Gobiidae
Country: Papua New Guinea
Collector/field: J. A. Drew, C. L. McCord, J. Mandecki
Coordinates?: Yes
Catalog #: 55088
Family: Loricariidae
Country: Brazil
Collector/field: J. D. Haseman
Coordinates?: Yes
Catalog #: 55089
Family: Loricariidae
Country: Brazil
Collector/field: J. D. Haseman
Coordinates?: No
Catalog #: 55091
Family: Loricariidae
Country: Brazil
Collector/field: J. D. Haseman
Coordinates?: No
Catalog #: 55093
Family: Loricariidae
Country: Brazil
Collector/field: J. D. Haseman
Coordinates?: Yes
Catalog #: 55094
Family: Loricariidae
Country: Brazil
Collector/field: J. D. Haseman
Coordinates?: No
Catalog #: 55095
Family: Loricariidae
Country: Brazil
Collector/field: J. D. Haseman
Coordinates?: Yes
Catalog #: 70301
Family: Loricariidae
Country: Peru
Collector/field: C. Kalinowski
Coordinates?: Yes
Catalog #: 94809
Family: Loricariidae
Country: Colombia
Collector/field: J. E. Thomerson, D. C. Hicks, J. N. Baskin, R. R. Rofen
Coordinates?: Yes
Catalog #: 99135
Family: Loricariidae
Country: Ecuador
Collector/field: D. J. Stewart, M. C. Ibarra, R. Barriga-Salazar, S. Clausen
Coordinates?: Yes
Catalog #: 99144
Family: Loricariidae
Country: Ecuador
Collector/field: D. J. Stewart, et al.
Coordinates?: Yes
Catalog #: 99155
Family: Loricariidae
Country: Peru
Collector/field: B. Chernoff, J. A. Wheeler, V. Montreuil, et al.
Coordinates?: Yes
Catalog #: 99156
Family: Loricariidae
Country: Peru
Collector/field: B. Chernoff, J. A. Wheeler, V. Montreuil, et al.
Coordinates?: Yes
Catalog #: 7576
Family: Ariidae
Country: Panama
Collector/field: S. E. Meek, S. F. Hildebrand
Coordinates?: Yes
Catalog #: 58982
Family: Polynemidae
Country: Sri Lanka
Collector/field: D. S. Jordan
Coordinates?: No
Catalog #: 97100
Family: Polynemidae
Country: Indonesia
Collector/field: P. J. P. Whitehead
Coordinates?: No
Catalog #: 69527
Family: Anablepidae
Country: Brazil
Collector/field: J. D. Haseman
Coordinates?: Yes
Catalog #: 3967
Family: Holocentridae
Country: Hawaiian Islands
Collector/field: Hawaiian Expedition, United States Fish Commission
Coordinates?: Yes
Catalog #: 62044
Family: Amblyopsidae
Country: United States of America
Collector/field: D. J. Daleske
Coordinates?: Yes
Catalog #: 118580
Family: Chaetodontidae
Country: Palau
Collector/field: Palau fish team
Coordinates?: Yes
Catalog #: 118581
Family: Chaetodontidae
Country: Palau
Collector/field: Palau fish team
Coordinates?: Yes
Catalog #: 120357
Family: Chaetodontidae
Country: Papua New Guinea
Collector/field: M. W. Westneat, J. A. Drew, C. L. McCord, J. Mandecki, R. Gabiobu
Coordinates?: Yes
Catalog #: 120358
Family: Chaetodontidae
Country: Papua New Guinea
Collector/field: M. W. Westneat, J. A. Drew, C. L. McCord, J. Mandecki, R. Gabiobu
Coordinates?: Yes
