
Displaying 1726 - 1750 of 8561
Catalog #: 61606
Family: Cyprinidae
Country: United States of America
Collector/field: W. Brown, party
Coordinates?: No
Catalog #: 41433
Family: Serranidae
Country: Ecuador
Collector/field: L. P. Woods
Coordinates?: Yes
Catalog #: 82963
Family: Serranidae
Country: Mexico
Collector/field: C. L. Hubbs, R. L. Wisner, McConnaerghy, party on R/V Thomas Washington
Coordinates?: Yes
Catalog #: 8394
Family: Serranidae
Country: Panama
Collector/field: S. E. Meek, S. F. Hildebrand
Coordinates?: Yes
Catalog #: 72520
Family: Sparidae
Country: Bermuda
Collector/field: D. E. S. Brown, Gleeson, L. P. Woods, M. G. Grey, F. Haas, R. J. Lambert, M. J. Bauer
Coordinates?: Yes
Catalog #: 120233
Family: Serranidae
Country: Papua New Guinea
Collector/field: J. A. Drew, C. L. McCord, J. Mandecki, M. Maniwavie, N. Vincent
Coordinates?: Yes
Catalog #: 66797
Family: Diretmidae
Coordinates?: Yes
Catalog #: 120440
Family: Pomacentridae
Country: Papua New Guinea
Collector/field: M. W. Westneat, J. A. Drew, C. L. McCord, J. Mandecki
Coordinates?: Yes
Catalog #: 120441
Family: Pomacentridae
Country: Papua New Guinea
Collector/field: B. Petsul, M. Maniwavie, N. Vincent
Coordinates?: Yes
Catalog #: 120443
Family: Pomacentridae
Country: Papua New Guinea
Collector/field: M. W. Westneat, J. A. Drew, C. L. McCord, J. Mandecki, R. Gabiobu
Coordinates?: Yes
Catalog #: 120445
Family: Pomacentridae
Country: Papua New Guinea
Collector/field: J. A. Drew, C. L. McCord, J. Mandecki, M. Maniwavie, N. Vincent
Coordinates?: Yes
Catalog #: 120446
Family: Pomacentridae
Country: Papua New Guinea
Collector/field: J. A. Drew, C. L. McCord, J. Mandecki
Coordinates?: Yes
Catalog #: 17192
Family: Carapidae
Country: New Guinea
Coordinates?: Yes
Catalog #: 33206
Family: Citharinidae
Country: Botswana
Collector/field: V. F. M. FitzSimons
Coordinates?: No
Catalog #: 33207
Family: Citharinidae
Country: Botswana
Collector/field: V. F. M. FitzSimons
Coordinates?: No
Catalog #: 33208
Family: Citharinidae
Country: Botswana
Collector/field: V. F. M. FitzSimons
Coordinates?: No
Catalog #: 40218
Family: Loricariidae
Country: Colombia
Collector/field: N. Maria
Coordinates?: Yes
Catalog #: 33731
Family: Cynoglossidae
Collector/field: Chabanaud
Coordinates?: No
Catalog #: 42031
Family: Doradidae
Country: Venezuela
Collector/field: L. P. Schultz
Coordinates?: Yes
Catalog #: 58056
Family: Doradidae
Country: Brazil
Collector/field: J. D. Haseman
Coordinates?: No
Catalog #: 53922
Family: Eleotridae
Country: Guyana
Collector/field: C. H. Eigenmann
Coordinates?: Yes
Catalog #: 108838
Family: Clupeidae
Country: Guatemala
Collector/field: H. A. Kihn, C. Barrientos, B. Chernoff, P. W. Willink, C. W. Theodorakis
Coordinates?: Yes
Catalog #: 131173
Family: Clupeidae
Country: Guatemala
Collector/field: C. D. McMahan, K. Piller, D. J. Elias, S. Mochel, K. A. Swagel
Coordinates?: Yes
Catalog #: 14631
Family: Clupeidae
Country: Nicaragua
Collector/field: S. E. Meek
Coordinates?: Yes
Catalog #: 14638
Family: Clupeidae
Country: Nicaragua
Collector/field: S. E. Meek
Coordinates?: Yes
